Our clothes, Our skin

Clothing is our second skin

Abstract taken from THE ION EFFECT by Fred Soyka with Alan Edmonds

"Unhealthy at any speed!"

We are now wearing clothes - pants, dresses, shirts, blouses, underwear - that are made of unnatural, or synthetic, materials, and clearly do change the rules of survival because they change the most immediate environment of all - that on and near the surface of the skin.

Thus our clothing is an outer "skin" that carries an active electrical charge.

On the other hand, those synthetic fabrics than can create a negative static charge will repel the negative ions - drive them out of the air immediately around us.  They also, of course, attract positive ions.

Most of us are totally unaware of any effect, but asthmatics or people with emphysema and other respiratory ills often suffer additional agonies because of the clothes they wear, and are just as often unaware of the reason why they suffer.  Dr. Bernard Watson, professor of medical electronics at Britain's St.Bartholomew's Teaching Hospital in London, says, "Changing the immediate unhealthy ion environment to help an asthmatic means changing everything, clothes, sheets, furniture - just everything."

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